مصدر با to
بعد از بعضي از افعال، فعل بعدي به صورت مصدر با to مي آيد. بعضي از اين افعال عبارتند از :
Want – ask – tell – try – promise – forget – agree – decide – plan – like
مانند :
I want to go to cinema this evening.
I forgot to turn off the T.V last night.
I promised to get good marks this year.
I tried to learn fishing last year.
I forgot to turn off the T.V last night.
I promised to get good marks this year.
I tried to learn fishing last year.
بعضي از اين افعال مي توانند قبل از مصدر با to، مفعول داشته باشند. اين فعل ها عبارتند از :
Want – ask – tell- promise – like – expect
به مثال هاي زير توجه كنيد:
I wanted him to buy me a radio
I asked them to help me
I told mary to do her homework carfully
I promised my mother to stay at home today
I like John to learn English
They expected him to come on time
I asked them to help me
I told mary to do her homework carfully
I promised my mother to stay at home today
I like John to learn English
They expected him to come on time
ملاحظه مي كنيد كه در اين مثال ها،بعد از فعل، مفعول آمده است و بعد از آن مصدر با to آمده است
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